Chronicles of the Forgotten Women’s Heritage Zoomcycle

Online lectures on ZOOM
Wednesday evening 20.00-21-30
15 euro each.

Reappropriating women’s values ​​in this turning time. I immerse myself in the wisdom of the Neolithic, and research through herstory in to the future.
Click fore info on this theme.


24 January  Malta The dreaming lady dreams the world in existence
12 March Figurines Minoan civilization Crete, ecstasy and celebrating life
24 April Nehalennia, goddess of the Helle (Nordsea)
8  May  Figurines of Çatalhöyük miracle giving birth 
29 May  Donau figurines, Kraft des Flusses (Deutsch)
5 June  Nehalennia healing light by the sea
26 Juni Figurines of Hacilar, power of the three TanTiens

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Contribution 15 euro via PayPal
or IBAN  NL84INGB0003768025 tnv A.S. Wittermans